Thursday, November 14, 2019

Form, Duration and Participation :: essays papers

Form, Duration and Participation There are three main structural features that are used to emphasize professional development for the teachers: Form, duration and participation. Form: Is basically the format that the professional development enrichment was taught or relayed to the teachers. There are two different types of activities to emphasize form of professional development. One type is reform activities which may include â€Å"study group, teacher network, mentoring relationship, committee or task force, internship, individual research project, or teacher resource center†(Birman, Desimone, Garet, and Porter, p.29). These activities require or almost force the teacher to interact with others who have a knowledge base of professional development. These activities aren’t just the teacher sitting and being instructed on what they as teachers should incorporate in the teaching policies but they are interacting and seeing what other teachers have done who may be similar to them (meaning teaching at the same school or the same grade) and what did and did not work for them in teaching activities to their class. The second activity is the basic wo rkshop or conference, which doesn’t necessarily, gives the teachers a chance to interact. Form all in all is the format in which the professional development skills are communicated to the teacher. Duration: This structure just raises the question of the amount of time spent in learning new innovations of professional development. Through research it has been proven that with a long span of duration in structure of professional development the outcome is more elaborate and effective. According to Designing Professional Development that Works â€Å"longer duration have more subject area content focus, more opportunities for active learning, and more coherence with teachers’ other experiences than do shorter activities†. This encourages professional development enrichment to be over a period of time to ensure that the teachers are grasping everything possible from the professional development enhancement. Participation: This structure is how the teacher interacts during the professional development. The question that is raised here is â€Å"Did groups of teachers from the same school, department, or grade level participate collectively, or did teachers from different schools individually?† (Birman, Desimone, Garet, and Porter, p.29). For the professional development to be most effective it’s insisted that teachers not only participate in the professional development improvements but collectively participate. Collective participation is the collaboration of teachers who may work within the same school, subject area, or grade level. Some of the advantages of collective participation are that the teachers may be able to tell one another a specific aspect of teaching that is helpful for teaching or a specific aspect that wasn’t as useful. Form, Duration and Participation :: essays papers Form, Duration and Participation There are three main structural features that are used to emphasize professional development for the teachers: Form, duration and participation. Form: Is basically the format that the professional development enrichment was taught or relayed to the teachers. There are two different types of activities to emphasize form of professional development. One type is reform activities which may include â€Å"study group, teacher network, mentoring relationship, committee or task force, internship, individual research project, or teacher resource center†(Birman, Desimone, Garet, and Porter, p.29). These activities require or almost force the teacher to interact with others who have a knowledge base of professional development. These activities aren’t just the teacher sitting and being instructed on what they as teachers should incorporate in the teaching policies but they are interacting and seeing what other teachers have done who may be similar to them (meaning teaching at the same school or the same grade) and what did and did not work for them in teaching activities to their class. The second activity is the basic wo rkshop or conference, which doesn’t necessarily, gives the teachers a chance to interact. Form all in all is the format in which the professional development skills are communicated to the teacher. Duration: This structure just raises the question of the amount of time spent in learning new innovations of professional development. Through research it has been proven that with a long span of duration in structure of professional development the outcome is more elaborate and effective. According to Designing Professional Development that Works â€Å"longer duration have more subject area content focus, more opportunities for active learning, and more coherence with teachers’ other experiences than do shorter activities†. This encourages professional development enrichment to be over a period of time to ensure that the teachers are grasping everything possible from the professional development enhancement. Participation: This structure is how the teacher interacts during the professional development. The question that is raised here is â€Å"Did groups of teachers from the same school, department, or grade level participate collectively, or did teachers from different schools individually?† (Birman, Desimone, Garet, and Porter, p.29). For the professional development to be most effective it’s insisted that teachers not only participate in the professional development improvements but collectively participate. Collective participation is the collaboration of teachers who may work within the same school, subject area, or grade level. Some of the advantages of collective participation are that the teachers may be able to tell one another a specific aspect of teaching that is helpful for teaching or a specific aspect that wasn’t as useful.

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