Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Theology Pastor And The Teacher - 1889 Words

Theology: Pastor and the Teacher Practical: Jesus as nurturing teacher: Pastor/Teacher The fourth and fifth categories of teaching is the office of pastor and teacher, is an interchangeable office pointing to Apostle’s Peters and Timothy’s commitments â€Å"†¦to feed my sheep†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"†¦to study to show thyself approved†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The office of pastor-teacher is a pivotal one. They must be distinguishable in order to function in the highest capacity. I would suggest that the pastor-teacher and evangelist are twin gifts, one must reach and teach to those outside the church with love and passion and the other must reach and teach with love and passion inside of the church. In contrast, the pastor-teacher does so with the concept of nurture and healing whereas the outreach teacher-evangelist does so with a bend toward love and deliverance. The evangelist has a call to the church and the transformation of those outside the church, whereas the pastor and teacher have a double or bifocal call within the community in which they are called. The pastor must deal with thwarting wolves and keeping all unsavory doctrines from entering the sheep pen. The offices of pastor-teacher are prophetically protective and instinctively nurturing. Prophetically protective because they must be able to watch over, protect, pray, and feed the sheep as nurtures and care-givers. Because of the nature of this particular bifocal office it is most often met with opposition and counterfeits. Jesus as aShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Good Will Church1066 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Christian Education program, the teachers are not properly trained to study Scripture and evaluate lessons based on pre-develop curriculum, and to prepare their own lesson plans. 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