Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prison Is The Most Common Form Of Criminal Punishment

INTRODUCTION: A prison is a facility that holds offenders who have been convicted, or found guilty, of serious crimes. The government use prisons to keep them in the custody of the state and under a controlled environment for a certain amount of time, which varies depending upon the circumstances of their confinement; also, these facilities are used to separate them from society. Prisons propose education and health care to their inmates, but also offer danger to them. Prisons are a serious place with a variety of ethics. Development of Prisons: Before the use of prisons, offenders were typically punished in cruel and horrific ways. According to Frank Schmalleger (2015), â€Å"corporal punishments were the most common form of criminal punishment† (p.414). In those days, people would follow the eye for an eye code. This means an equal punishment should be established for the offender. For example, a man was publicly beat, broken, and killed for murder in 1721 (Schmalleger, 2015, p.414). As the years went by, this barbaric behavior was slowly becoming unacceptable in the United States. The concept of imprisoning someone as punishment became the ideal way to deal with criminal acts. As of now, the United States no long barbarically punishes criminals for breaking the law. Instead, they are imprisoned in specific prisons that house a variety of offenders. Types of prisons: There are variety of prisons that have been created by the Government. First, Minimum security prisons.Show MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty: An Appropriate Punishment Essay examples1517 Words   |  7 PagesCapital punishment has been a punitive consequence of multiple societies in many different countries over the years. The death penalty has been witnessed in many different forms, depending on the society or culture. It is viewed as an act of justice due to its deeply embedded historical tradition. Over the centuries, many cultures have used capital punishment because it ensures the safety of society. 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